
Instructions on how to migrate your existing Cherrycake application from earlier versions of the Cherrycake engine.

Migrating from 0.x to 1.x

  • Update your composer.json file to require Cherrycake version 1.x instead of version 0.x:

      composer update
  • Create the src directory in your project and move your modules there. Remember modules still have their own subdirectory under src. You can remove the now empty Modules directory.

  • Move all your classes to the src directory. Remember classes do not have their own subdirectory, so they reside on the root of src. You can remove the now empty Classes directory.

  • Rename all your modules and class files so they end with .php instead of .class.php. For example: MyModule.php instead of MyModule.class.php.

  • Assign all your modules to their own namespace by modifying or adding a namespace directive at the top of the file. For example, if your module is called MyModule, you should add this at the top of src/MyModule/MyModule.php:

      namespace \CherrycakeApp\MyModule;
  • Remember also to correctly namespace the class your modules extend from. For example, instead of your module being declared like this:

      class MyModule extends Module {

    declare it like this instead:

      class MyModule extends \Cherrycake\Module {
  • Assign all your classes the right namespace. If they're classes related to a module, move them to the related module's directory and add the matching namespace. For example, if your class is called ClassForMyModule and is related to a module called MyModule, move it to src/MyModuleand add this at the top of src/MyModule/ClassForMyModule.php:

      namespace \CherrycakeApp\MyModule;
  • You'll need to change how you reference Cherrycake's core modules and classes throughout your code. For example, the following code:

          new \Cherrycake\Action([
              "moduleType" => ACTION_MODULE_TYPE_APP,
              "moduleName" => "Home",
              "methodName" => "homePage",
              "request" => new \Cherrycake\Request([
                  "pathComponents" => false,
                  "parameters" => false

    Should be changed to this:

          new \Cherrycake\Actions\Action([
              "moduleType" => \Cherrycake\ACTION_MODULE_TYPE_APP,
              "moduleName" => "Home",
              "methodName" => "homePage",
              "request" => new \Cherrycake\Actions\Request([
                  "pathComponents" => false,
                  "parameters" => false
  • Autoloading of classes is now handled via composer, so you need to add this to your composer.json file:

      "autoload": {
          "psr-4": {
              "CherrycakeApp\\": "src/"
  • Update composer's autoload by running the command:

      composer dump-autoload
  • See the documentation at cherrycake.io and the examples at documentation-examples.cherrycake.io/ to see examples using this new namespacing.

Last updated

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