Patterns methods

clearCache( patternName, directoryOverride )

Removes a pattern from cache.

  • patternName The name of the pattern file

  • directoryOverride If the cached pattern was originally retrieved also using directoryOverride, the same value needs to be specified here.

parse**( patternName, setup )**

Parses a pattern

  • patternName The name of the pattern file

  • setup Optional hash array

    • directoryOverride When specified, the pattern is taken from this directory instead of the default configured directory.

    • noParse When set to true, the pattern is returned without any parsing.

    • fileToIncludeBeforeParsing A file or an array of files to include whenever parsing this set files, usually for defining variables that can be later used inside the pattern.

    • variables A hash array of variables passed to be available when parsing the pattern.

Returns: The parsed pattern, or false if failed.

out( patternName, setup, code )

Parses a pattern and sets the result as the output response payload.

  • patternName The name of the pattern file

  • setup Optional hash array: The options to be passed to the parse method

  • code Optional integer: The response code, one of the available RESPONSE_*

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