
Helps you create standard HTML headers and footers.

See the HtmlDocument guide to learn how to work with the HtmlDocument module.


  • title The page title

  • description The page description

  • copyrightThe page copyright info

  • keywords An array of the page keywords

  • languageCode The language code of the page, from the ISO 639-1 standard ( Default: en

  • charset The page character set. Default: utf-8

  • isAllowRobotsIndex Whether to allow robots to index the document. Default: true

  • isAllowRobotsFollowWhether to allow robots to follow links on the document. Default: true

  • isDeferJavascript Whether to defer loading of JavaScript or not. Default: false

  • googleAnalyticsTrackingId The Google Analytics id, if any.

  • matomoTrackingId The Matomo (Piwik) tracking id, if any.

  • matomoServerUrl The Matomo (Piwik) server URL, if any.

  • mobileViewport Configuration for the site when viewed in a mobile device, via the viewport meta

    • width The width of the viewport: A number of pixels or device-width. Default: device-width

    • userScalable Whether or not to let the user pinch to zoom in/out. Default: true

    • initialScale Optional, the initial scale

    • maximumScale Optional, the maximum scale

  • microsoftApplicationInfo Application info for Microsoft standards (i.e: When adding the web as a shortcut in Windows >8)

    • name The name of the app

    • tileColor The color of the tile on Windows >8, in HTML hexadecimal format (i.e: #dd2153)

    • tileImage URL of an image to use as a tile image for Windows >8. Must be in png format.

  • appleApplicationInfo Application info for Apple standards (i.e: When adding the web as a shortcut in iOs devices, or to hint the users about the App store APP for this site)

    • name The name of the app

    • iTunesAppId

    • icons A hash array of icon sizes where the key is in the [width]x[height] syntax and the value is the icon URL in png format. The standard keys to use here are:57x57 ,114x114 ,72x72 ,144x144 ,60x60 ,120x120 ,76x76 and 152x152. Default: false

  • iTunesAppId The id of a corresponding App in the Apple store. Default: false

  • favIcons A hash array of icon sizes where the key is in the [width]x[height] syntax and the value is the icon URL in png format. The standard keys to use here are:196x196, 160x160, 96x96, 16x16 and 32x32. Default: false

  • cssSets An array of the Css set names to link in the HTML document in a single request, or, to add different Css requests instead of one, an array where each item represents a single request, and is an array of Css set names that will be included in each single request. If set to false, all available sets will be linked in a single request. Default: false

  • javascriptSets An array of the Javascript set names to link in the HTML document in a single request, or, to add different Javascript requests instead of one, an array where each item represents a single request, and is an array of Javascript set names that will be included in each single request. If set to false, all available sets will be linked in a single request. Default: false

  • googleFontsAn array of the Google fonts to include, where each item is a hash array containing the following keys:

    • family The font family (i.e: Duru Sans)

    • weight The font weight (i.e: 300)

    • subset The subset (i.e: latin)

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